Monday, April 07, 2008

it's amazing how fast one can get replaced.

trust is such a strong thing; yet it gets eroded so quickly..

i suppose it's like food. when better tasting food comes along, one chucks the old food aside and likes the new food better.
similarly, when someone better comes along who is more capable of taking care of you, someone who has more charisma, has the looks and more $$ to spend on smses to you, obviously one wouldnt want the older person incapable of fulfilling these things.

someone wise once told me: "when one gets into trouble, one automatically searches for the one whom one most trusts, even though someone else is supposed to be the most trusted."
(to that person: you didnt sound so wise but the idea is there. stop grinning LOL)

now i know how my transformers feel like when i get one that is totally awesome.

it's sad, really.


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