Sunday, July 13, 2008


something has been bugging me for a very long time:
why are people nowadays becoming so much more hive-minded than before?

Main Entry:

hive mind
Part of Speech:
a type of collective consciousness where individuality is stifled; a state of conformity

if someone says a movie isn't good, why would someone else be affected to such an extent that they are totally put off from watching that particular movie?

one man's meat is another man's poison: just because someone doesn't like the movie doesn't mean you won't like it.

take this example:
i like transformers A LOT. naturally i would LOVE the movie.
so i'd go around reccommending it to people.

mister X totally HATES transformers. naturally he would LOATHE the movie.
so he'd go around condemning the movie.

in this case, who would be right?

neither, correct?
similarly, if one likes a movie (or at least the concept), don't let another person's opinion get to you - hive-mindedness is not a trait to be desired.

the same goes for critics - moviemakers don't make movies to impress the critics; they do it to entertain the audience (and earn millions and millions as well, but that's off-topic).
why be thrown off because of a bad review?

someone wise once told me that as long as one goes into the theatre with an open mind to concepts, one will be entertained (somewhat) by the movie.
or something to that effect.

one has to make decisions for oneself - and not let others make the decision.


an awesome happy birthday song:
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