Monday, September 17, 2007


Revision class today. three people have to take the supp paper. from. the. entire. course.

can anyone spell loser-fied? GO IAN GO.

originally scheduled to be from 9-11, but ended up finishing at 9.45. supp paper on monday. as Winniet put it: "I won't say its easier. because its NOT. *Gives wide eyed stare*"

hmm. 11 chapters to study.

Winniet ALSO informed the three ppl that were there (AKA me, some girl from 03 and my beloved Larry) that once we get a supp paper, we're automatically exempted from graduating with any kind of tag behind (e.g Dip with merit, getting on the director's honours list and so on).

whoopee. way to botch up your future, ian.

i'm getting a weird feeling of nostalgia. been feeling it for a few days now. its like.. missing secondary school and the nonsense that happened, missing tp and the weird stuff we do, missing the old PT days (if you dont know this, you didnt play it. XD), missing the old card games, missing the PRIMARY school days when i would come home and curl up to sleep in the afternoon, missing the old friends, missing the new friends, missing the stoning sessions with friends, missing..

missing everything. bleargh.



Ian Cheng --


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