Tuesday, February 26, 2008


i was sitting on the bus this morning on my way to work - holding my cup of hot (and bad tasting) herbal tea, trying to keep warm under the merciless air-con and tahan-ing my bad headache.

the warmth helped me feel better - although only my hands were actually warmed.

how, then, could i feel better if only my hands were warmed?
i started to think.

the difference between hot and cold - in actual fact, there can't be any difference, simply because there's no such thing as 'cold' per se; its just a term describing an absence of heat.

and cold is somehow more tolerable than heat in a way. it creeps up on you and slowly pulls you toward eternal slumber, and is far more bearable than holding something hot. heat is much more obvious - the air is warped when it is present, it scalds your hand.

one notices heat more than one notices the absence of heat.
our bodies even react to heat more - one perspires when the heat is cranked slightly up, but when it gets just a bit colder, nobody notices it (excluding the ultra-sensitive people who claim to feel every little change in temperature.)

one sees fire - heat incarnate. but one cannot see cold. some may argue that frost is cold incarnate - not so. it is simply another state of water.
thus, the eternal rivalry between hot and cold is dismissed. heat is clearly more prominent.

although i carried only the cup in my hands, my whole body felt better. and yet, cold has to overwhelm your entire body in order to take effect. heat is yet again proven to be more prominent.

simply speaking, one's fire; one's passion - if burning the slightest bit brightly enough, will be exceedingly obvious. one does not have to seek attention for one's passion if one wants to make it known. one simply has to turn up the heat.

cold all around seeks to overwhelm the passion in its entirety - it attacks every nook and cranny the flame has - seeks to consume it. however, if the core of one's passion is unwavering, the passion will never go out -

instead it will spread heat to places where it was previously not present. the passion will snag many other hearts, while the absence of the passion; the fire in the world, will not be able to touch it. if the passion touches someone even in the slightest bit; that person will be warmed as a whole.

does one's fire resist and change the surrounding cold?
or does one's fire slowly succumb and die out?

christians, think about this.


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