Monday, January 28, 2008

Friends Forever Worxzxzz.

Once again i sit here in the dim lighting.. just staring at my screen.

it's 2.24 now.

project's due on friday. what have i done?


searching countless google links,
browsing countless event management websites for an inkling of what i have to do, what data i have to get.

all in vain.

what's in a photo?

a group of people smiling as if all's right with the world?
when one looks at a photo like that, one has to wonder - is the happiness there truly radiating out?

or are the smiles there masking much sorrow underneath?

it takes a lot to understand some things.
like how so many people can smile at once.
like how the concept of friendship can be so tight knit the moment, and so distant the next.

the phrase "friends forever" never does come to pass.

think about it - how many people has one left behind as mere memories - in the dusty pages of a diary or a tiny speck on the digital highway?

how many people has one lost contact with?
people who were once close,
even people who once said the ominous phrase:

"we'll be friends forever!"






the concept of forever is waaaaaaaaaaay beyond human understanding.

i guess that's why "friends forever" never really comes true, huh?

Jesus - the One and Only Friend that lasts forever.

Because He knows what forever means.


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