Monday, March 03, 2008

Good Morning..

good morning, this is ian from NTUC income.
i'm calling with regard to your password enquiry for policy online, or POLE.
i will need to verify your NRIC, birth date and address before i can send you the password.

i repeat this many many many times a day.

being a part of the worker drone community, my days have little meaning - wake up, work, head home, use com, sleep. repeat process.
my energy has been sapped mercilessly through the phone line and leaves me with little strength to do much else at the end of the day.

now, onto the topic of the day.

if one is a christian, has one ever heard this phrase "lying is a sin - sinners go to hell."
if you are, you probably have - many many times in fact.

IMO, this statement is overused and used too loosely.
going to hell is certainly not a thing to be taken lightly - so why is this statement being used so nonchalantly (i.e to express disbelief; the other person may in fact be telling the truth.) so much so that it has become like a simple phrase uttered without thinking?

true, lying is a sin.
sinners do go to hell. but does one condemn them?
one should be aiming to bring them to the Father instead.

all have lied - all have sinned. why then should one condemn the other person if one does not believe what the other person says? who is one to judge?

there have to be alternative methods to express disbelief - whatever happed to the traditional "really meh?" or the intellectual "prove it!"?
do christians have to show they're christians by overusing the words sin and hell so loosely?
one throws the whole notion of the forgiveness of God out the window when uttering the phrase "lying is a sin - sinners go to hell."

we're all sinners after all.
its just by His grace that we're forgiven.

no condemnation btw. =D


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