Monday, July 06, 2009


10025 web counter hits on since 28/4/2008.

that means 716 hits per month or roughly about 23 hits a day.

*throws confetti*

eating alone is a strangely good sensation.
nobody to worry about making small talk with.
nobody be a distraction while savoring each and every herb and spice which goes into the food.
nobody to steal one's food when one happens to be looking the other way.

yet that empty table brings this small thought that nibbles away slowly at the corners of my sanity - looking around and seeing the smiling faces of those who have a companion to eat and enjoy, or even those who, although seemingly eating alone, have friends smsing/calling to accompany them while they eat their food with makes this thought start to chew a little faster.

and the thought sounds a little like this:
why am i eating alone?
and the food on the table suddenly seems tasteless.

:( so much for the 10025 hits.


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