Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ze Third Day.

it's the third day in this epic adventure..

the hermit EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional completed his data seance around lunchtime.
browsing through the corpses of old data, i prepared a techno-spell program that would resurrect them, sacrificing the bodies of fresh packets of data in the process.
it's taking a horribly long time - some data spirits were resistant and some just didn't fit - adjustments had to be made.
a few corpses were resurrected a few hours after lunchtime - but alas! they escaped off into the unknown beyond and i had to track them down, using my trusty Searchdog.

and as the spell continues to resurrect the freshly dead pieces of data, and the Searchdog tracks the escapees down, i can only wait and chronicle my adventure and wonder: What more would come my way?

great. the third day of work and i'm still cleaning up from the second day..
not a very good sign.


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