Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Unfinished Jigsaw Puzzle.

can every piece of a jigsaw puzzle really fall into place?

granted, there's a complementing piece for nearly every puzzle piece - two pieces that fill the void in each other. 
somehow, somewhere, there's a piece which matches another.. or so they say.

however, in the process of matching the pieces and bringing them all together to form one complete picture, some pieces are inadvertantly lost - pieces fall off the table into the pit, other pieces that are simply not there to begin with, and even pieces that are torn and tattered.

obviously, these jigsaw pieces can't fit in.

how, then, are the voids ever going to be filled in every piece?

there is no answer.

sure, there are those pieces which seem to be able to fit in with any other piece of their choice - such is their compatibility; their edges were crafted with slightly more finess, their finish slightly glossier and the colours that much brighter than the lesser pieces of the jigsaw - those are the pieces that were always meant to be noticed and fawned upon.

these pieces have every right and reason to scoff and riducule those lesser pieces - after all, the pieces were meant to fit in right smack in the middle of the jigsaw puzzle with every other piece wanting to complement their void.

those pieces are in essence, near perfect.

and then there are the pieces which were made lesser than perfect.

some voids are never gonna be filled, some pieces destined never to be matched.

some jigsaw pieces attempt to fit in with another - it's a clean fit at the start, but something just doesn't click, and the pieces pop out after some time.

some pieces hope and long to be able to fit with another piece - but the intricacies of the puzzle, down to the very way the said pieces were formed, will never allow that union.

other pieces settle for a less-than-perfect fit, and the jigsaw puzzle seems complete - until a piece that better complements the other comes along, and one is abandoned in favour of the better match.

certain pieces will forever be forgotten, swept under the carpet, and others lie in the dark and dank corners of the packaging from whence they came..

..such is the imperfection of the jigsaw puzzle we call Life.

the jigsaw puzzle lies unfinished still.


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