Saturday, June 28, 2008

one's race should never dictate the language that one speaks.

just because my grandpa came from China doesn't mean i gotta speak chinese.
"chinese don't speak chinese; disgrace is it?"

there's a REASON grandfathers chose to leave their roots behind.

singapore's service standard is going DOWN the pithole.
remember the time when singapore had "world class service"

well, times have drastically changed.

no longer can i order a sprite - i have to speak chinese otherwise i'll get stared at by the staff like an idiot just because i don't speak the only language he knows.
no longer can i walk into a shop and talk to the staff in english - i have to speak chinese.

being in the service line means one has to go forth and meet the consumer's needs and wants - to serve the consumer.

even malays and indians are being greeted in chinese when they walk into a shop.
even NuBox, the apple retailer, BLASTED CHINESE SONGS.
correct me if im wrong - was steve jobs a chinaman?

i don't think so.

our five stars and moon are going to merge into a single star.

i'm a stranger in my own country - and NO, it's not because i have no national pride.
the invasion is beginning; we are being assimilated from the inside - the agents eating away at the very core of our english-speaking society.

the world has proven me wrong yet again..
one nation will rule the world someday.

Monday, June 23, 2008

An IT consultant who attempted to board a British Airways flight to Dusseldorf at Heathrow's T5 wearing a Transformers t-shirt was told to take off the offending apparel or else, The Sun reports.

Brad Jayakody, 30, was travelling with four colleagues and ill-advisedly decided to sport an image of Optimus Prime wielding a menacing cartoon gun.

He explained: "My mate set off the alarms and was searched. But then the guy told me to stop and said ‘you cannot get on the plane because there is a gun on your t-shirt’."

Jayakody then asked to see the security chief, but didn't get the attack of common sense he was expecting. He continued: "I was flabbergasted. I thought the supervisor would come over and see sense, but he didn’t. After I changed he said if I changed back I would be arrested."

He added: "It’s a cartoon robot with a gun as an arm. What was I going to do, use the shirt to pretend I have a gun?"

A spokesman for Heathrow operator BAA offered: "If a T-shirt had a rude word or a bomb on it for example, a passenger may be asked to remove it. We are investigating what happened to see if it came under this category."

There's a nice snap of Jayakody and his Transformers top here.


isn't it wonderful how the REAL terrorists don't get second looks?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

two of the most awesome things i've seen this week:

Friday, June 20, 2008

Church Camp @ Kuantan.

warning: not for the faint hearted or the impatient.

Monday, June 16, 2008

away from the 16th to the 19th.

cya fellas.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Vivo las City.

i've watched Kung Fu Panda twice already - it's an awesome show.

granted, it may look like a typical dreamworks animated film, but this is waaaay different.

the quality of the storyline, the quality of the animation, the stunning backgrounds and beautiful music score can attest to that.
the film has some pretty philosophical stuff as well - most of which the layman wouldn't care about anyway.

it's probably the most beautiful cartoon i've ever seen.
turtles have NEVER been that awesome..

not even the Ninja Turtles.

the fight scenes appealed to me greatly, the jokes were classic, and the show reminded me of a calligraphy painting - it was ART.

my only complaint is the usual anti-climatic storyline expected of a dreamworks film, but hey - the fights were awesome.
not many cartoons have good fights.

i watched it twice and i didn't find it in the very least boring - the visuals are that good to look at.
there's something at the end of the credits at well.

the panda reminds me a lot of me - and apparently many people were reminded of me as well.
go watch and decide for yourself.

i'd rate this movie 7/10.

and Master Shifu is a Red Panda - not a possum or raccoon.

i've also just watched The Incredible Hulk.

like i mentioned in this post, this is the first PROPER hulk film..
and boy does it own.

the camerawork's shaky for the most part, but when the hulk's seen in all his green glory, the fight scenes totally OWN. he uses all his trademark moves, and more - he's properly animated, not the shrek-like Hulk from the first movie.

this is..
this is..

the REAL hulk.


no lousy gimmicks used to defeat the villain, no no.
no funky energy generator like the one used to defeat Iron Monger.
no pipes and sounds like the one used to defeat Venom.
no glaring inexplicable plot hole like Ghost Rider's Penance Stare.

no no.

the good ol' punch-em-up IS the gimmick.

this is one of the few superhero films without a deux ex machina - just a good fight which serves its intended purpose - to end the fight of good against evil without much external factors.

it's one of the better superhero movies out there.

it's a complete rehash of the Hulk universe after the horrible first one, and the story's laid out so well i was gripped at every moment. there's a cameo by Robert Downey Jr (AKA Iron Man) and the story sets us up to face the next probable villain to be seen in Hulk 2: The Leader.

the best part of the show was the animation and voice acting of the Hulk himself. one can almost feel the fury and rage as the Hulk roars and does what he does best:


i'd rate this 8/10.

Vivocity has many weird and wonderful things:

i have this toy:

Toys "R" Us has a figure of the toy which is intricately moulded RIGHT DOWN TO THE FINEST DETAIL.

Presenting: the amazing butt-crack that was facing me when i was eating at Carl's Junior.
really, what kind of children's playground is this?

"That burger... *pause* looks good. *long pause* What burger is that?"

inside joke.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

just watched Kung Fu Panda.

the panda reminds me of me - how i bumble at everything except when it comes to food. X)

for all those who went for Camp Golgotha: there are many things from the sermons that are also in this show.. go watch and see!

reviews and other stuff next time.

Friday, June 06, 2008


i just dreamt i went through the incidents behind the movie "Hotel Rwanda" - namely the Rwandan Genocide.

for more info, go

it was.. interesting. and horrifying.

first a zombie dream then a dream about genocide..
what does this mean?

Thursday, June 05, 2008

i just had the most epic zombie dream of my life - i remember each and every detail exactly, having just woken up, and i'm blogging this down before i forget.

the cluster was having an outing to suntec city, and i saw the [BoB3] there as well.
everyone from the respective groups was present.

a public service announcement was made over the PA: seal all doors, windows and any other openings, and reinforce all windows (i have no idea how we did that).the public panicked, and so did the rest of us.
armed guards didn't let us out so we had no choice but to stay inside.

someone in the cluster pointed out that we could go to the second floor and look out the window to see what was going on - so we got up to the second floor and got a window open. [BoB3] followed.

we heard screams from the people trapped outside, and a massive horde of rotting, bleeding zombies came rushing down the street. people were torn apart but i looked away, and heard only their screams.
people inside suntec were crying and screaming. a particularly loud sob from someone in the cluster (i can't remember who it was) attracted the attention of one of the zombies, and the fella looked up.

he dashed to the wall and started climbing it rapidly. bryan chan then slammed the window shut just as the zombie reached. it started banging on the window and cracks started to form on the glass.
out of nowhere, gabriel soh came running up with a rifle fitted with a silencer and shot the zombie through the glass. "i borrowed it!" was the only explanation we got.

over the next few days, the situation in suntec became bleak. some people committed suicide, and depression was rife. food, on the other hand, was plentiful, but we ate sparsely (GASP! ian controlling his appetite!) to save food.

we waited for news on the radio/television for further updates, but none came. a prominent businessman spoke up and told the crowd that we should go out and search for survivors - there were murmurs of agreement.

it was daylight then, and he reasoned that the zombies were not likely to attack again during the day. nearly all the men in the group volunteered - the teenagers, children and women were left behind.

the men went out, fitted with guns they apparently found stashed in a store somewhere.

suddenly, the businessman sniggered and ordered his bodyguards to "DO IT!". the bodyguards sealed the entrances once again, and the men outside noticed it. they banged on the doors and began shouting.

once again, we watched from the second storey window, and saw as the zombies were attracted by the loud sounds, and the men were massacred.

the businessman and his bodyguards were beaten up, gagged and tied in a corner, left to die.

the scene shifted to all the teenagers gathered for a meeting at night - bryan chan headed the discussion by saying that we should try to retrieve the guns and ammunition from the streets, and set up a defensive perimeter before dawn.
the fit teenagers would be the runners, and the younger ones and the fat ones were left to be the lookouts.

armed with walkie-talkies, they left the building. it was then i noticed the businessman was missing. i shouted into the walkie-talkie, but the transmission was jammed. the businessman's face appeared on the televisions, and he broadcasted something along the lines of "you will pay dearly for hurting me! all i wanted was survival, and i'll be the only one left!"

a HUGE (i'm talking 3 football fields) airship rose from nowhere, and the businessman laughed as he made his escape with his crew and bodyguards.

i was screaming all the way into the walkie-talkie, but i couldn't see anything due to the darkness of the night. all i heard was screaming, and then.... silence.

below, i saw the lone survivor of the group run in unscathed - sivanesan.

the scene shifted to a bright afternoon, when sivanesan was eating lunch in some restaurant. i sat down, and asked him to tell me how my friends died.

he told me the following:

  • gabriel soh grabbed a grenade and blew himself up along with a large group of zombies.
  • ben ng fought with a large stick and killed several before he was killed.
  • bryan chan died saving sivanesan, fighting off a zombie which attacked sivanesan and allowing sivanesan to run back unscathed.
  • andrew goh was torn in half after getting swarmed.
  • aaron chan rode his bike and crashed it into a large group of zombies before it exploded.
  • chong jiahao had a huge-ass sword with him and killed many zombies, before succumbing to his wounds and eventually killing himself.
  • lai yonghsheng was eaten.
i sat down and cried.

the scene shifted to the airship, where an infected mouse scampered across the deck, hissing and snarling. it was stomped on, and someone screamed "INFECTEDDDD! WHO'S RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS?!"

someone found out that the cook had been infected, and he was shot and thrown off the airship.

sometime that night, i was awoken by a small thumping on the doors of suntec. sebastian woke up too, and we went to investigate. i took a pistol fitted with a silencer with me, just in case.
i saw an old lady with a young boy, and she claimed she wanted the boy to be safe. we brought the boy in, and she turned around and left. we saw a giant wound in the back of her head, and she fell down dead.

the boy bit sebastian, and he turned out to be a zombie. i shot the boy, and after much hesitation, shot seb as well.

the scene shifted yet again: all the bodies retrieved were dumped in a storage area as the weeks went by - to honour those who sacrificed themselves.
there were more suicides.

suddenly, there was another broadcast on the television. apparently the businessman had gathered power - with experiments done on his self-contained airship, he had a serum that put zombies under his control - he had a massive zombie army.

there were plans by him to airlift all of them and dump them on singapore, where they would spread out and take over the neighbouring countries, and eventually the world.

soon as the news was out, more people commited suicide. there were only very few people left in suntec at this point.

i heard the roar of an engine, and zombies were dropped on suntec. they pounded on the doors and windows, and the doors and windows started to give way. i laughed and pressed a button, and the whole place blew up.

i woke up with cold sweat, my arms tightly crossed.
this is the most epic dream i've had so far.

and yes, not a word is made up.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

DBZ: The Movie.

Those who grew up watching DBZ, be ready for the saddest moment in your DBZ fandom lifetime:

Presenting: Dragon Ball Z the Movie.
pictures from

weeping yet?

Monday, June 02, 2008

just a few pictures here and there which fit no purpose or theme whatsoever.