Thursday, July 31, 2008

Asian Values?

a few questions springs to mind - why do parents have children?

1) for the joy of raising a child
2) to realise their own broken dreams
3) the novelty of owning a kid

would the word "discipline" include chucking durian shells at your child and subsequently whipping him with a belt?
when someone tells you to discipline your child, i don't think he means beating your child up and stopping at the first sign of blood.

also, is a parent who taught his child vulgarities and hurls them everyday at his/her child FIT to tell the child to mind their language and tone of voice?

i don't think so.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I'm bleeding and crying on the inside and out.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Foolishness Indeed.

to think i ever considered myself a christian - a follow of Christ.
to think i ever thought i was gonna go to heaven.
to think i ever thought that i was saved.

profound things have happened which opened my eyes - what kind of christian am/was i?
i'm not a good testimony.. i never was.

one does not open the door to a stranger that has never talked to you.
similarly, how does one get into heaven when one knows NOTHING about God?
it clearly says in Matthew 7:21-23..

21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

all 17 years of my life being a "christian" has totally been wiped away. these 3 verses have said much more to me than any guilt-free gospel has ever said.
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
one does not do God's will by praying once and then getting on as if nothing's changed. something HAS to change. it's only natural.
there is ALWAYS the principle of cause and effect. if there is a CAUSE, there will be an EFFECT. not having an effect means there is no CAUSE - especially one as radical as this.

if one truly is renewed in Christ, one has to have life change - where is it? where has Ian Cheng Liang Hui changed?
he still offends people with crude remarks.
he still slacks off in his homework.
he doesn't give two hoots about his schooling life.
he spends three quarters of his day bumming around.
he's still a failure at every single academic subject thrust upon him.

there is NO difference between him and a aethist.
oh wait - there is!
an aethist is far by more focused and knows what he's doing.


so much for being a "real" christian.

there have been so many lies in the current gospel being preached around the world - quoting a wise friend: it's a "nice, guilt free, conviction free Gospel".
whoever told you that praying one time in your entire life would get you to heaven LIED.
whoever told you that your life would change for the better after accepting God one time LIED.

acceptance was never a one time thing - acceptance is constantly renewed day by day.

everything i ever knew about christianity has been turned inside out.
christianity's not all rainbows and butterflies. the world isn't gonna get better for you even if you do accept Christ. but the direction WILL be set for you - the road is long and harsh, and there are many obstacles ahead.
the one thing that has to lead one on is the knowledge that one is fighting the good fight and running the good race..

and ultimately reaching the one goal.

if one does not know whose side one is on, how does one even go into battle?

EVERYTHING that has happened recently point toward one goal.
the signs are clear.
reminder after reminder has been given.
there HAS to be a change - and first i have to rediscover everything.

Proverbs 1:7 - The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Why So Serious?

The Dark Knight deserves applause..

and there it is.

Friday, July 18, 2008


i realised one thing tonight..

i have the working mannerisms of a pig.
i know what you're thinking.. no, i'm not sloppy (not for the most part at least).
ignore the obvious visual similarity that accompanies it.

once you've gotten the prejudices out of your skull..
a pig only rushes in these two circumstances:

1) when good food is present
2) in times of extreme duress

that last-minute adrenaline rush breaks that muddy barrier of sloth and procrastination, pushing the swine to complete his task with extreme skill and precision - and he flops back into his mud when he's done.

as for food, go figure - who wouldn't rush for good food?

i will wallow in the solace that is the brother of death: sleep beckons.
i will make my journey to the land of Nod.

Fare thee well.

i found a very interesting video on youtube.
Presenting: How To Confuse An Idiot.
watch out for the chinese dude in 3:18.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Flowers bloom where your feet fall
the heavens tremble at Your Name
such is the Greatness and Majesty
of the one who for me took the blame

You knew me before i was created
You know me through and through
any spot or blemish, stain and scar
there is nothing i can hide from You

like a butterfly from a coccoon
like a snake shedding its skin
renewal is my greatest need
to wash away every mistake and sin

like a swine in the mud
i wallow in my comfort
not willing to budge
when i need it
please, Father
give me a much needed nudge.

that still, small voice
i've long forgotten how it sounds
i shall try finding it once more
a horse needs to be broken
a hound needs to be trained
remind me what and Who i'm living for.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


something has been bugging me for a very long time:
why are people nowadays becoming so much more hive-minded than before?

Main Entry:

hive mind
Part of Speech:
a type of collective consciousness where individuality is stifled; a state of conformity

if someone says a movie isn't good, why would someone else be affected to such an extent that they are totally put off from watching that particular movie?

one man's meat is another man's poison: just because someone doesn't like the movie doesn't mean you won't like it.

take this example:
i like transformers A LOT. naturally i would LOVE the movie.
so i'd go around reccommending it to people.

mister X totally HATES transformers. naturally he would LOATHE the movie.
so he'd go around condemning the movie.

in this case, who would be right?

neither, correct?
similarly, if one likes a movie (or at least the concept), don't let another person's opinion get to you - hive-mindedness is not a trait to be desired.

the same goes for critics - moviemakers don't make movies to impress the critics; they do it to entertain the audience (and earn millions and millions as well, but that's off-topic).
why be thrown off because of a bad review?

someone wise once told me that as long as one goes into the theatre with an open mind to concepts, one will be entertained (somewhat) by the movie.
or something to that effect.

one has to make decisions for oneself - and not let others make the decision.


an awesome happy birthday song:
as usual, mute the blog music by clicking on the (barely visible) play/pause button on the right.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


it says a lot about how civil human beings are.

since when did it become common practice to berate your child for his faults AND deny his strengths at the same time?

has one noticed - a child is NEVER praised for what he's good at in our little sunny island, but instead his faults are focused and capitalised on in order for parents to have bragging rights?

there's a thin line between conservative asian values and stupidity.

Friday, July 04, 2008


i've spent 6 hours trying to salvage my dying laptop - but alas, its time was up.

for one who served me so well, it went out pitifully - crying and screaming, clinging on desperately to life.
it struggled on despite the inevitable odds, and i feverishly worked at restoring it to its former glory - and for a moment i did.

all that came crashing down when it had a relapse and sank deeper into a coma - bloody red spots were frothing within the screen.

in a last-ditch attempt to capture its essence, i hooked it up to an ancient monitor (its own screen was down and out) and took every bit that mattered - especially the 24 gigs worth of pictures - memories captured forever in that moment in time.

salvaging what i could, i finally pulled the plug and let it go - it whimpered as it gave a dying breath, and lay silent - its bodily warmth drained by the merciless wind that came and took its spark away.

its suffering ended there.

it is nothing but an empty shell now.

tomorrow, it will be called home - to the distant land of jurong, where the technicians who once forged every bit will welcome it back with open arms, smiling as they recieve it and bring it back to life - a phoenix from the ashes.

it will return, but for now - R.I.P.

Goodbye, ACER TravelMate 4285WLMi.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


i haven't read a decent book in ages - one or two years, in fact.

long gone is the luxury of sitting in a quiet corner of the bus and settling down with a book to entertain me.
buses are now smellier, dirtier and far, far noisier.
life was much nicer before TvMobile.

I picked up one of my favourite books today and tried to read the first chapter - it wasn't only after a very long while had i realised more than an hour had passed and i was well through half the book.

books can be amazing things - with sufficient imagination, books are FAR better than any movie or tv show. they bring you around the world in the comfort of your own little seat, and best of all you get to be right there with the characters, and not in some cinema smelling of popcorn and coke.

sadly in times like these, children are sorely lacking in the very thing that made life so interesting when we were children - IMAGINATION.
the power of imagination could turn a ruler into the most awesome sword, a shadow into a dinosaur, and bring toys to life.

however, in present times, imagination is discouraged. individuality is no longer an asset but a curse.

how many have heard mothers ask their children:

or something along those lines.

children are encouraged (it being a nice way of saying "Forced") to stuff their heads in schoolbooks from day to night, memorizing page after page of facts, figures and formulas.

here in our little sunny island, children do NOT learn things.
they simply memorize them.
KNOWING and UNDERSTANDING are two different things - but sadly, most don't know the difference.

it's kinda sad how children at the age of 5 are being asked: what do you want to be in the future?
that very question, though seemingly harmless, is the destroyer of childhoods and annihilator of dreams.

how many children want to be chucked in a cubicle working for the rest of their lives?
how many children actually end up doing that?
sure, a child may say: "hey mum, i want to be an astronaut/paleontologist/artist/superhero/photographer!"

then their dreams and hopes will be crushed under the hard, unforgiving boot of reality as their parents reply: "don't be stupid lah you! you'll never earn money working like that! why don't you be a banker or a doctor?"

most jobs nowadays are chosen simply because of the size of the paycheck - how many people actually work in their area of passion?

IMO, people should just leave the child alone to dream their dreams as long as possible - innocence only lasts so long.
pushing children to study may be seemingly "for their own good", but what actually happens is that the child becomes an empty shell, a mindless drone shaped by the queen bee to serve her and only her.

stuffing a child into a room full of assesment papers and schoolbooks will ultimately destroy his SOUL while building up his mind - no longer is he an individual - he will be assimilated.

books were -and still are- mediums through which a child can build up his imagination and go on to inspire and rekindle passions, but books can also destroy a child's individuality. it largely depends on the type of book the child reads.

i'm not discouraging children to study - what i'm saying is that children should not be pushed to their limits - stretch a rubber band too far, and it will inevitably break.
standards SHOULD be lowered - here in our beloved country, anything short of perfect is seen as failure - adults pass this RIDICULOUS mentality on to their offspring, who then break down and cry when they don't get a perfect score.

nobody reads proper books anymore - the only books that are encouraged are schoolbooks, which children already see too much of.
NOBODY enjoys staring into a book full of facts, figures and formulas for hours. they'll go mad - which i suspect is the case of singaporean children today.

why do you think so many of them are so SO screwed up in the head?

similarly, knowledge is a powerful thing - but can also be destructive in the wrong hands.

when's the last time you enjoyed a book?

i just found a very interesting article:

(Semi-Edited Excerpt):

The party that cannot be named

Monday, 30 June 2008

Singapore Democrats

Can Singapore thrive when Mr LKY is "absent"? This was what one delegate from Bangladesh wanted to know during the World Cities Summit held in Singapore last week.

This delegate probably didn't have a very high regard for the other 2,999,999 Singaporeans. In any event, it was one of those sweet questions lobbed at just the right height for Mr L to, to use a baseball analogy, hit it out of the park.

Appropriately cued, the Minister Mentor let rip: In the unfortunate event that if a bunch of itchy-fingered loonies who didn't know how to put the cross in the right box even if their lives depended on it voted the opposition – and not just the opposition but a "vociferous" one – into power, Singapore would go to the dogs.

No prizes for guessing who the Vociferous One is. These days Mr L just cannot bring himself to utter the three letters S, D, and P. That's just as well. What would really worry us is when the MM starts praising us for being "constructive."

The L system, according to L, will only survive if we are led by able leaders who are willing to make tough decisions when called upon, leaders who, by the way, have not gotten rich over the years.

He was, of course, referring to his Ministers. Yes, the same ones who jacked up their salaries by only 85 percent last year, who were tough enough to fire junior officers following the security meltdown that allowed a terrorist suspect to do a David Copperfield and able enough to pin the blame on citizens for their complacency.

Yep, the same ones who also blamed the people of being negligent over a screw-up at Changi Airport's immigration that allowed a traveler to travel under someone else's passport.

Undoubtedly a tough act to follow.

The very ones who tell Singaporeans that their retirement savings are going to be withheld because retirees can't be trusted with their own money.

The self-same Ministers who came up with the fantastic idea to set up ERPs to extract yet more money from motorists rushing home to be with their families after a long day at work.

The same ones who stumbled upon the brilliant scheme to increase the GST to help the poor and then, to their utter amazement, find homelessness increasing and long queues for free food at temples getting longer.

So tough are these talented ones that they turn the installing of lifts that will stop on every floor so that the elderly will not have to climb stairs into an election issue.

So able are they that they have nurtured a generation of citizens who can't wait to emigrate and then replace these "quitters" with new citizens from other countries who are waiting to do the same.

A party of the future

The worst part is that these Ministers belong to a political party that continues to depend on an 84-year-old to be their standard bearer. They profess no (much-needed) fresh ideas of their own to take Singapore into the future, a future where creative and bold responses are needed to meet complex challenges.

They have not the wherewithal to tell Mr L that he needs to take a backseat because the more he pokes his nose in, the more he is going to prevent the country from moving forward. They have to stop being head-nodders and resist being enthralled by a leader who doesn't want to retire.

At the end of the day, the PAP is still LKY and LKY is still the PAP. His/its modus operandi is to continue to instill fear in the populace and then extract wealth from it. Does all this sound like a party of the future?